How We See the Problem
Leveraging workforce training, transferring between postsecondary providers and entering or re-entering the workforce are pivotal moments in a learner’s career or academic journey. Institutions and systems can implement policies and practices that inadvertently make these transitions difficult. For example, when curricula don’t align, or information systems are incapable of sharing data effectively, students risk losing credits, momentum and money. The jump from postsecondary education into the workforce also presents challenges, especially when institutions offer programming that does not align with the skills employers need.
Our Three Investment Priorities
Grants to Streamline Key Learner Transitions
Development of a Comprehensive Transfer Blueprint
This grant supports Kent State University in developing transfer pathways with three partner community colleges that streamline student progress to a degree.
Midwest Credential Transparency Alliance
This grant supports the Midwestern Higher Education Compact and Credential Engine in developing the Midwest Credential Transparency Alliance. Intensive work in five states and regional coordination across the 12-state region will contribute to significantly expanding the public repository of detailed, accurate information about postsecondary credentials available to learners, employers, schools and state agencies.
Equity Transfer Initiative
This grant supports the American Association of Community Colleges in increasing equitable student transfer outcomes. In partnership with the Association of Public & Land-Grant Universities and the American Association of State Colleges and Universities, the Equity Transfer Initiative will provide direct coaching, technical assistance and ongoing support to selected pairs of two- and four-year institutions as they develop new transfer pathways for degrees leading to high-demand careers.
Scaling Community College Partnerships to Expand Access to Technology Careers
This grant supports Generation USA in expanding their proven model of supporting learners from low-income backgrounds in accessing quality technology training that leads to upward socioeconomic mobility and careers through community college partnerships. Over the course of 18 months, Generation USA will test three types of partnerships with community colleges with a goal to successfully scale their model.
Redesigning StudentTracker
This grant supports the National Student Clearinghouse in rebuilding StudentTracker, the primary data platform used by educational systems and institutions to track student-level postsecondary enrollment in the United States. The new StudentTracker will reduce the technological expertise required for users, consolidate data into a single platform and provide enhanced reports and visualized analytics with the goal of significantly expanding access and utilization nationwide.
Advancing a Framework for Integrated Credit Mobility
This grant supports Ithaka Harbors in defining the key challenges and barriers related to credit assessment, transfer and application that cause learners to lose credits. In addition to creating a tool for the field to support improved policy and practice, the resulting framework is intended to inform and support the launch of an Ascendium grant program aimed at catalyzing more effective, integrated credit mobility processes and practices.
Creating Pathways to Mid-Level Tech Careers and Educational Opportunity
This grant supports Apprenti in determining the viability of a formal partnership with a four-year degree granting institution for the purpose of providing a pathway to a bachelor's degree for low-income and underrepresented learners who complete registered technology apprenticeships.
College Promise Careers Institute & Expanding Ecosystems for Promise Student Support
This grant supports the College Promise Campaign in expanding their efforts to build awareness of supports for specific College Promise student populations and their work focused on elevating the role of postsecondary education in addressing workforce and economic development needs.
Career Advising Tools and Outreach for Low-Income College Graduates-Planning Phase
This grant supports the University of Virginia in developing a personalized job recommendation tool and intrusive advising resources designed to improve employment outcomes for low-income community college graduates.
Assessing Training Success through Place-Based and Geographic-Agnostic Program Models
This grant supports Merit America in testing service delivery models for learners engaged in place-based programs and those engaged in geographic-agnostic programs to compare learner completion and job placement outcomes and inform plans for scale.