Photos, Graphics, Quotes, and More
We strive to authentically tell the stories of our grantmaking by working with our partners to amplify their work through various communication channels. To that effect, we require consent to use content shared with us by our partners through a release. This includes photos, graphics, and quotes. Many partners may already have their own release; however, to ensure Ascendium can use the content without needing an additional release from us, we offer the following sample language to enhance a partner’s release.
“For good and valuable consideration, [insert name of your organization] and/or any third parties with whom [insert name of your organization] shares, have my permission to use the photograph(s), electronic image(s), video(s), or voice recording(s) (“Content”) in their advertising, publicity, articles, news releases, social media channels, or other business-related materials, both print and electronic.”
Ascendium Name and Usage
Ascendium Brand Name
When referring to Ascendium for the first time, please use “Ascendium Education Group.” In subsequent references within that same communication, just use “Ascendium.”
When writing about Ascendium’s philanthropic work in press releases and formal publications (including grant partner-created resources), please include the following description:
Ascendium Education Group is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization committed to helping people reach the education and career goals that matter to them. Ascendium invests in initiatives designed to increase the number of learners from low-income backgrounds who complete postsecondary degrees, certificates, and workforce training programs, with an emphasis on first-generation learners, incarcerated adults, rural community members, learners of color, and veterans. Ascendium’s work identifies, validates, and expands best practices to promote large-scale change at the institutional, system, and state levels, with the intention of elevating opportunity for learners from low-income backgrounds. For more information, visit
Ascendium Logos and Guidelines
Grant partners are encouraged to highlight Ascendium’s funding support for your project by including our name, logo and boilerplate language in your print materials and on your website. Request review and approval of any material using Ascendium branding elements prior to distribution by contacting our Strategic Communications team at
You can also review our Ascendium Logo Guidelines for direction on how to use and apply the logo for different situations.
For 4-color press and professionally printed collateral, including conference brochures, displays, signage, banners, ads, etc.
For general office and internet use, including web, email, Word documents, PowerPoint presentations, etc.