Building Evidence to Increase Rural Learner Success
Supporting action-oriented research projects that address gaps in evidence for rural learner postsecondary education and workforce success.
Projects are Underway for this Opportunity
Ascendium is pleased to support seven organizations with grant funding through our Building Evidence to Increase Rural Learner Success initiative. These partners will generate an array of research that advances the understanding of rural learners and the postsecondary education and workforce pathways that best serve them. We look forward to learning and sharing what comes from these projects!

Congratulations to the following partners who were selected to receive a grant through this initiative.

North Carolina State University
Raleigh, NC

University of Washington
Seattle, WA

Washington, D.C.

Atlanta, GA

Moscow, ID

In partnership with American Indian College Fund
Washington, D.C.

Macomb, IL

Project Profile: Rural College Leaders Program: Catalyzing Institutions to Improve Student Outcomes
July 2023
Project Profile: Exploring the Effectiveness of Skills Training and Wage-Based Incentive Programs on the Social Mobility of Rural Early Childhood Education Providers in Tennessee
July 2023
Project Profile: The Effect of Institutional Programs and Practices on Low-Income Rural College Students’ Academic, Psychosocial, and Workforce-Related Outcomes
July 2023
Project Profile: Surfacing the Needs of Paraeducators Enrolled in Rural Teacher Preparation Programs
July 2023
Project Profile: Mapping Effective Mentorship for Rural Community College Students
July 2023
Project Profile: Expanding College Access for Rural and Underserved People in Georgia
July 2023