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Codifying Career Pathways Initiative

UNCF|$1,987,366|1/2020 - 12/2022
This grant supports UNCF in scaling up an initiative aimed at increasing student success outcomes at 8 to 12 Historically Black Colleges and Universities. The work will increase these institutions’ capacity to serve low-income students and students of color, increasing academic and economic equity for both groups and producing best practices to inform other under-resourced colleges serving low-income students or students of color.

Thrive Technical Assistance Program

The College & Community Fellowship Inc|$733,510|1/2020 - 12/2022
This grant supports The College and Community Fellowship in increasing their capacity to provide in-depth technical assistance to higher education institutions and organizations seeking to implement evidence-based, student success components that are uniquely designed to meet the needs of learners transitioning from prison to a traditional campus setting.

Unlocking the Promise of Pell for Students in Prison

Vera Institute of Justice Inc|$1,100,000|4/2020 - 12/2022
This grant supports Vera Institute of Justice in providing meaningful and in-depth technical assistance, training and advising to new and existing Second Chance Pell Initiative college sites and their state corrections system partners. The goal is to ensure the implementation of high-quality postsecondary education in prison and to help the field grow a cohort of correctional administrators prepared to support the broad expansion of such programs.

Maintain Momentum: Supporting Postsecondary Education Membership Organizations and Networks

American Association of State Colleges and Universities|$1,966,060|7/2020 - 12/2022
This grant supports the American Association of State Colleges and Universities and its members in continuing to advance student success reforms despite COVID-19-related impacts.

Maintain Momentum: Supporting Postsecondary Education Membership Organizations and Networks

National College Attainment Network|$250,000|10/2020 - 12/2022
This grant supports National College Attainment Network and its members in continuing to advance student success reforms despite COVID-19-related impacts.

On the Path to a Degree (OnPath)

MDRC|$570,300|12/2020 - 12/2022
This grant supports MDRC in providing technical assistance to five institutions within a state community college system and five other minority-serving community colleges to assess and develop communications plans that will improve persistence and degree completion rates for students from low-income backgrounds.

Scaling Community College Baccalaureates in a Changing Landscape

New America Foundation|$300,000|12/2020 - 12/2022
This grant supports the New America Foundation in examining the role that community college baccalaureates play in meeting employer demand for degrees, as well as demand for affordable bachelors degrees for low-income and rural communities.

Maintain Momentum: Supporting Postsecondary Education Membership Organizations and Networks

Wisconsin Technical College System Board|$150,000|11/2020 - 12/2022
This grant supports the Wisconsin Technical College System and its members in continuing to advance student success reforms despite COVID-19-related impacts.

Understanding Barriers to Refiling the FAFSA

MDRC|$50,000|12/2021 - 12/2022
This grant supports MDRC in gaining an understanding of the reasons students in good academic standing who return to college do not refile the Free Application for Federal Student Aid. The research will seek to quantify the impact the decision not to refile has on student retention.

Supporting Rural Colleges in Competitive Federal Grant Opportunities

WestEd|$50,000|4/2022 - 12/2022
This grant supports WestEd in conducting a series of virtual workshops for teams from approximately 30 rural community colleges to assist them in preparing applications for the Strengthening Community College Training Grants funding opportunity announced by the U.S. Department of Labor.Â