Sectoral Training Evidence-Building Initiative
This grant supports MDRC in implementing a grantmaking initiative to build evidence on nonprofit-led sectoral training programs. The initiative will focus on identifying program elements and mechanisms needed to deliver and scale effective programs.
Supporting the Wisconsin Tuition Promise 2025
This grant supports the Universities of Wisconsin (UW) System in planning and launching a pilot of the Wisconsin Forward Pledge, an initiative combining financial, academic, and nonacademic supports for learners from low-income backgrounds to ensure their access, persistence, and success. As part of this initiative, the UW System will evaluate which components of support have the greatest impact on learner outcomes, helping to refine the impact and cost-effectiveness of the pledge initiative for future years.
Tools of the Trade Evaluation
This grant supports Mathematica in conducting an evaluation that supports iterative program improvements of Tools of the Trade scholarship to maximize the difference the scholarship makes for Wisconsin apprentices seeking upward mobility.
Launching the New England Prison Higher Education Collaborative
This grant supports the New England Board of Higher Education (NEBHE) in catalyzing collaboration across and within its six New England member states to increase the quantity and quality of postsecondary education offerings in prison. As the first regional prison education collaborative, NEBHE will serve as a convener, technical assistance provider, research hub, and funder for the participating states.
Support for Project QUEST and Per Scholas Evaluations
This grant supports Economic Mobility Corporation in partnering with two well-established nonprofit sectoral training providers – Per Scholas and Project QUEST – to evaluate program impacts on low-income learners’ education and labor market outcomes and to identify key program factors associated with positive outcomes.
RCT Evaluation of VIDA
This grant supports the Valley Initiative for Development and Advancement in strengthening their sectoral training program and partnering with an external evaluator to assess its impact on low-income learners' education and employment outcomes.
Scaling Up Proven Postsecondary Education & Workforce Training Programs: The Maryland Evidence Fund
This grant supports the Coalition for Evidence-Based Policy in expanding evidence-based postsecondary education and workforce training programs in Maryland. By leveraging matched philanthropic and public funding, the Coalition will support state and local agencies in expanding proven programs and incorporating requirements for rigorous evidence into future government funding criteria.
NISS Support for Georgia Colleges
This grant supports Georgia State University's National Institute for Student Success (NISS) in working with a cohort of institutions to implement a comprehensive set of reforms. Six institutions, comprising both two and four-year colleges and universities, will complete extensive diagnostics, identify high-impact practices, and receive coaching and implementation support from NISS.
From Training to Employment: A Multi-Inquiry Study of Noncredit Workforce Training Programs
This grant supports the University of California at Irvine in partnering with the Virginia Community College System to assess impacts of noncredit workforce training programs on learners’ labor market outcomes and to examine effectiveness of an innovative state-wide policy designed to incentivize student enrollment in and completion of noncredit programs in high-demand fields.
Building Pathways to Rural and Tribal Employment
This grant supports the American Indian College Fund in supporting tribal colleges and universities to implement intentional career development programming that will prepare American Indian and Alaska Native learners from low-income backgrounds for, and connect them with, good jobs in their regions.