Organizational Capacity Building Project
Formerly Incarcerated College Graduates Network|$240,000|7/2023 - 6/2024
This grant supports the Formerly Incarcerated College Graduates Network in building the executive, organizational and strategic capacity needed to excel as an impactful network of leaders who completed college during incarceration.
Optimizing Delivery Systems for Higher Education in Prison
Iowa Department of Education|$1,100,000|7/2021 - 6/2024
This grant supports the Iowa Department of Education, in partnership with the Iowa Department of Corrections, Iowa Central Community College, Des Moines Area Community College and the University of Iowa, in expanding postsecondary education options across Iowa that are workforce-relevant and support varied academic and career pathways.
Optimizing Delivery Systems for Higher Education in Prison
State of Minnesota Department of Corrections|$2,000,000|6/2021 - 5/2024
This grant supports the Minnesota Department of Corrections in redesigning their postsecondary educational delivery system to dramatically increase incarcerated learner access and success. The Minnesota Department of Corrections will work alongside a variety of external partners to build a solid infrastructure for core operations across internal departments and external organizations, as well as address relevant institutional policy and practice barriers.
Commission on the Effectiveness of Higher Education Behind Bars in New England
New England Board of Higher Education|$250,000|4/2022 - 1/2024
This grant supports the New England Board of Higher Education in convening a commission of key postsecondary and corrections decisionmakers in New England to address systemic challenges limiting the efficiency, quality and impact of postsecondary education delivered within the region's prisons. The commission will produce concrete recommendations and develop the blueprint for establishing a regional coordinating entity to support collaboration and alignment of postsecondary pathways across the region.
Preparing Incarcerated Learners for Careers in Technology
The LaunchCode Foundation|$967,700|12/2020 - 12/2023
This grant supports The LaunchCode Foundation in expanding access to their foundational coding/web development training and employment program to incarcerated students in several Missouri prison facilities. The goal of the project is to increase workforce training opportunities and improve employment outcomes for incarcerated adults while providing a pathway to further education.
Building Executive Leadership Capacity
Alliance for Higher Education in Prison|$130,000|12/2022 - 12/2023
This grant supports the Alliance for Higher Education in Prison in building executive and organizational capacity in its emerging role as a field convener and resource hub for postsecondary education in prison programs nationwide.
Understanding the Landscape of Higher Education in Prison
Alliance for Higher Education in Prison|$1,100,300|12/2021 - 12/2023
This grant supports the Alliance for Higher Education in Prison in building local and national data infrastructure for the field of postsecondary education in prison, specifically centering ethical and equity considerations in the collection of student-level data.
Transforming Higher Education Policy and Practice in Prisons and Beyond
The Education Trust Inc|$815,000|5/2020 - 11/2023
This grant supports The Education Trust in developing two distinct but interconnected leadership development programs that will engage formerly incarcerated learners and postsecondary education in prison practitioners in an intentional learning exchange, producing nuanced reports and analysis and informing improvements to institutional practice.
Optimizing Delivery Systems for Higher Education in Prison
University of Wisconsin-Madison|$150,000|8/2021 - 7/2023
This grant supports the University of Wisconsin-Madison, in partnership with the State of Wisconsin Department of Corrections, in preparing to launch their Prison Education Initiative to offer baccalaureate degrees, competency-based degrees, certificate programs and stackable credentials to incarcerated adults across Wisconsin.
Expanding Access to Postsecondary Pathways in Louisiana State Prisons
Operation Restoration|$650,000|6/2020 - 5/2023
This grant supports Operation Restoration in the planning and implementation of a bachelor’s degree program that will leverage technology to support incarcerated students in multiple facilities across the Louisiana State Prison System. The organization will also pilot an innovative advising model that trains students with long-term sentences as academic advisors.