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Native Hawaiian and Pacific Islander Research Capacity Building Initiative

APIA Scholars|$500,000|5/2021 - 6/2023
This grant supports the Asian and Pacific Islander American Scholarship Fund in building the capacity of rural Pacific Island postsecondary institutions to analyze data and use collaborative research strategies to improve their policies and practices. The initiative will increase Native Hawaiian and Pacific Islander student success by developing pathways that lead to workforce participation through partnerships and institutional innovation.

Transformational Partnership Fund

SeaChange Capital Partners Inc|$500,000|1/2021 - 6/2024
This grant supports SeaChange Capital Partners in developing and launching the Transformational Partnership Fund, a funding vehicle that will provide postsecondary institution leaders with opportunities to explore and form long-term strategic partnerships ranging from mergers and acquisitions to administrative shared services or consolidated programs.

Collective Impact Fund Advancing Good Jobs and Inclusive Economic and Talent Development

America Achieves Inc|$500,000|8/2022 - 7/2023
This grant supports America Achieves in providing technical assistance and funder matchmaking to a cohort of regional coalitions as they advance entrepreneurial economic development, good jobs and economic mobility, particularly for rural areas and underrepresented groups.

Building a National Apprenticeship Intermediary Infrastructure

Apprenticeships for America|$500,000|2/2023 - 1/2025
This grant supports Apprenticeships for America in creating the first national network of apprenticeship intermediaries in the United States and developing research to support the role of intermediaries with the goal of expanding apprenticeship opportunities nationwide.

Building Evidence to Increase Rural Learner Success

Georgia State University Research Foundation Inc|$500,000|3/2023 - 2/2026
This grant supports Georgia State University in evaluating the impact of a statewide online instruction initiative on the enrollment, completion and employment outcomes of rural learners.

Building Evidence to Increase Rural Learner Success

The Urban Institute |$500,000|3/2023 - 2/2026
This grant supports the Urban Institute in refining and testing the Family Friendly Campus Toolkit, which helps institutions better serve parenting students, to fit the context of rural tribal colleges and universities.

Building Evidence to Increase Rural Learner Success

University of Idaho|$499,600|3/2023 - 2/2026
This grant supports the University of Idaho in examining which institutional programs and practices—including first-year programs, career advising and other strategies—may best support retention, completion and successful transition to the workforce for rural learners from low-income backgrounds.

Career Navigator Initiative

The RAND Corporation|$495,696|1/2018 - 1/2022
This grant supports The RAND Corporation in assessing the implementation of the Minnesota Department of Corrections (MNDOC) Career Navigator Initiative. RAND will analyze MNDOC's development and implementation of services, take-rate of Career Navigator services and students’ success in finding related employment or continuing college after release.

Building Evidence to Increase Rural Learner Success

North Carolina State University|$490,200|3/2023 - 2/2026
This grant supports North Carolina State University in investigating the effectiveness of its statewide Rural College Leaders Program in contributing to student success reforms.

Building Stackable Credential Pipelines that Support Equity and Provide Pathways

The RAND Corporation|$483,900|10/2021 - 12/2023
This grant supports The RAND Corporation in examining stackable credential pipelines in two states to determine whether learners from low-income backgrounds benefit from stackable credentials, whether they face barriers in accessing these pathways and which institutional and system level policies and programs strengthen equity. The goal is to inform efforts within the two states and nationally to build effective and equitable stackable credential pipelines for learners from low-income backgrounds.